Friday, February 11, 2011


Did you know that thayah ah mah bank robbahs dat come from Chastahn, Mass than any atha tahn in da country? Well, Ben Affleck says that is the case. I doubt it though. I'm sure either L.A. county or Orange county kicks it's ass on any given year. This movie stars Ben Affleck, Jeremy Renner, John Hamm, and Pete Postlethwaite. Set in Boston, the story follows the shenanigans of a quartet of bank robbahs and an overzealous FBI agent. Historically I fucking hate Ben Affleck. I did however watch a movie a couple of years ago called "Gone Baby Gone". A solid movie that I loved. It gave me a new found respect for him as a filmmaker...but an actor, he is not. Based on my new crush on his filmaking skills, I decided to give "The Town" a try. That, and the fact that my friend Jay Stanley had me sold on it long before I finished my last beer this past Monday. Jay can definitely sell me on certain movies. Mostly because of his enthusiasm towards character development. He could probably even talk me into going to go see fucking "Yentil" again.
Ready? Let's go. Have you ever seen the movie "Heat"? Have you ever seen "Good Will Hunting"? Have you ever seen "Dead Presidents"? Well, It's kinda like a mix of all of those...without Val Kilmer, the retard math wiz, and all of the uppity black kid gangsta's. This movie is entertaining to say the least....BUT, I have seen it all before. It is like watching that dusty old porno you keep in the back of the closet. It is still fun to watch, but for fuck's've watched that dirty old whore with the bad teeth get boned like 500 times already. Should you go see it? is really not that bad. I would explain more about the movie but it is so predictable that I would ruin it for you.
1)STORY- The writing is merely just OK. Co-written by Ben Affleck, it could have been better...he did win an oscar for a screenplay for god's sake. I give it a C+ 2)DIRECTION- Not too bad. The cinematography was pleasant and the locations were pretty damn good. I give it a solid B
3)ACTING- Ben is a horrible fucking actor but this was not too bad. Plus, Jeremy Renner and Pete Postlethwaite were bad-ass. John Hamm sucks! I give it a B
4)BONER POTENTIAL- Rebecca Hall and Blake Lively are both pretty hot...although I had never heard of this Blake chick. The grade would be higher if it were not for the robbahs running around in nun costumes. Nuns take all boners away. I regretfully give it a C+
5)MISC.TIDBITS- Very cool shootout scenes and major bad-ass weapons...If it were not for Jeremy Renner shooting 120,000 rounds and never fucking hitting a cop that he was aiming at, this would get an A+. But that is not the case. Learn how to shoot Asshole! This gets a C+


I must apologize for the break I have taken from my blog. I have not been posting since December because of the holidays and the harsh January we have had here in the mid-south. I have been extremely busy and really have not felt that funny or angry. But, as they say, the show must go on. I will be adding two new series on my blog. It will be called "POP-CULTURE PORN". It honestly has nothing to do with pornography...the name porn has been added as a term to show that you want to read it and salivate on the political incorrectness and weirdness of it all. I will give my take on how much I detest pop-culture and give examples of how I believe that MTV has ruined our country. I will also add a movie review blog that is titled "Kino Kouture". I will write movie reviews for all of you to read before you decide to waste your money. They will be graded in five ways...1) STORY "writing", 2)DIRECTION, 3)ACTING, 4)BONER POTENTIAL, 5)MISC. TIDBITS/INTANGIBLES.