Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Top 5 Most Annoying People on Facebook

Top 5 Most Annoying People on Facebook 5. The Excessive Vacationer and Traveller
I have to admit...I am guilty of this. Maybe one of the worst to be honest with you. The problem with these people, including myself, is that they always show up at the most hideous of times. Times such as....It's 2:45 am and your seven year old has vomited all over your bed and you are changing sheets. While cleaning up puke and trying to get the kid back to sleep, you log into Facebook and see an old friend sipping a drink from a coconut in the middle of the afternoon in Thailand. Fuck them! You hate them and without remorse wish they'd fall off of that fucking boat and get eaten by a shark. Inevitably, whenever you see these people's posts, you are having the shittiest day ever. It's 35 degrees and sleeting, you have a sore throat, you recieved notice that you still owe ten grand in taxes, and some asshole that lives down the street posts a picture of he and his wife sipping wine at a Tuscan villa. You break your toe carrying in the groceries and that bitch you went to college with posts a pic of "girls night out" with her friends in New York City. At some point, you get to the point where you begin to hate these people. Really wish harm on them in sick and sadistic ways. You reluctantly begin to wish harm on their families as well. And then...something happens. You get a weekend off, or a few days away from the office and/or kids and family. You take off to a local lake and relax with a drink. Just as you snap a sunset picture with your phone, and start to think that you've found a sliver of happiness, some fucking asshole posts a fucking picture standing on the Great Wall of Fucking China. Even though I am guilty of this, it happens to me as well. The days when I am fed up the most, the days when I really need a break, some asshole will post a pic holding a dolphin down in the Florida Keys. All I can say is....I hate those fucking jerks too.