Friday, June 4, 2010

The Ugly Truth

I, like many of you, hate ugliness. I hate ugliness in politics, nature, humanity, and well, pretty much all of the ugliness in the world. But what truely sets me the fuck off is the ugliness that we can truely do something about. That would be getting rid of all of the ugly people in the world. Yep, that's it! Just breed those ugly fuckers right off the face of the Earth. It should be a crime against humanity for two hideously ugly people to procreate and make an even uglier baby. Why? Because these poor unfortunate people have actually no chance in life. It will be even harder for them to find someone special. In fact, with every procreation of an ugly couple, it makes it more and more difficult for their children to lead normal, happy and productive lives. I honestly think that it is sad in many ways. These kids grow up feeling left out and wishing they were someone else. If you were to hire someone for a new position in your office, would you hire a mildly retarded hot blond or an intelligent fugly sea-donkey? Uhhhh.....uhhhhh....yep! But the saddest part is the fact that their chances of finding a mate at some point in their lives is reduced exponentially. And why? Because the truth is....nobody likes to look at an ugly person all day. Not even ugly people. See, the point is, even a discustingly ugly person thinks he/she is somewhat attractive...but in no way do they think that the booger-eating mess sitting next to them is attractive AT ALL. The solution to this is simple. Make it illegal for them to have children. (This is also my solution to stupid people but I will save that for another day). Sterilize them all, and in return for their suffering, give them great government jobs with excellent benefits. Just send them to work in one of those NORAD bunkers buried in some mountain in Colorado Springs and be done with them. All of this, and in return, we get to go about our lives seeing prettiness everywhere. Then I can live without feeling bad for these people and not have to lose my appetite everytime I leave the house.


  1. i'm proud to be Ugly. mirrors may crack & Alsations may vomit as i go by in my off-brown y-fronts, but my ma loves me. so there!

  2. YES!

    let's hear it for the Pot Ug's

    Hip Hip Hoorah

  3. Beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder & i say she is one UGLY Muthafucka!

    great personality i'm sure, but her face makes my spotty arse look like kissing material.

    does her mom wear thick Thick Glasses?

  4. i'd give her/him one!

    slap bang on the moosh with a spade.

    Ha Ha Ha & a bottle of rum.

  5. i agree with Pippa, those three look like complete ASSHOLES!

    i bet they fuckers think they're good looking.


  6. Darling, everything u say is true..... all us pretty people will stick together :) x x

  7. haha you do know pretty people make ugly babies too right? just depends on genes hun! You can have a victorias secret model and a swimsuit male model and the baby.... might not turn out so good. I would be very thankful that you have good genes, as so am I. but if you think about it, we wouldnt be here without them

  8. Let God do the Judging.

  9. look people...i am a male model..but i will speak honestly...i got nothing against ugliness...the true beauty comes from within! people should start paying more attention to that...but the truth is that its very rare to see someone who would employ an ugly person the article has a should not be so offensive but whoever understands, understands.
