Friday, July 2, 2010

Lazy Fuck-tards

At the beginning of each month I make my daily rounds to the Post Office at 17th and Main Streets in Little Rock. And at the beginning of each month I get to witness the one thing in this world that truely sets me the fuck off. I see long lines of people waiting to enter the post office to get their check. Yep....that big ole gub'ment welfare check. Welfare is not the reason that this irritates me per se, but the people recieving them and for what reasons they are on welfare to begin with. Don't get me wrong, I really do hate our welfare system. I hate it for the same reasons that I hate snakes and spiders. I mean, I realize that they are necessary, but boy do they fucking suck. And before you start getting steamed up...just give me a moment to explain. See, the truth is, welfare is needed to some degree. I am all for subsidizing certain peoples income levels in this country. Take a single mother with a college education and four kids for example. Maybe her husband hauled ass to Mexico with his secretary and left her to look after the kids. If she is working a 9 to 5 and cannot afford to feed, clothe, and provide child-care, she should be subsidized. All cases should be appropriated on a case by case basis. If a young girl has four kids from four different men and no education, then put stipulations on her. I realize we can't let her children starve. It is not their fault...they are just a product of their environment. I think that we, and our government should take care of three groups of people. Period. We should look after our nations children, disabled, and elderly. But the rest of these fucking people need to go. I mean...get the fuck out of here with your lazy asses. Every month when I pull up to the post office I see dozens of able-bodied people getting those checks. MY FUCKING CHECKS. I fucking paid for them! I see plenty of teenage girls hauling four screaming kids to check their P.O. Boxes. I also see dozens of 20-30 year old men driving their granmamma's up to the curb and walking them inside. You want to know why? Because granmamma is going to start handing out cash as soon as it gets to the bank. THAT my friends should piss you off. And if it doesn' fucking suck too. Everytime I pull up to an intersection and see some jack-ass holding a sign for food I get irritated. For instance, my friend Scott Wheetley and I were stopped by a vagrant while walking out of the Hillcrest Fountain a fews years back. He was a white guy, in his late twenties, and asked us for some money. When we refused, he responded by saying FUCK YOU! Really? Fuck ME? Listen here faggot! Get a fucking job you fucking loser! Why can't a healthy young guy get a job? Cause he is a lazy fuck. If these people are hungry they can get a hot meal and a shower at the Union Rescue Mission. But they won't go there because you have to be sober to be allowed to enter. And there lies another problem...the drugs...but we will save that one for another day. Why in the hell can't these people work? Because they are fucking lazy....AND because they don't have to. They don't have to because we have made it so easy for them to live sufficiently without having to do a goddamn thing. And I know that those reading this think that I am only talking about black people. I am talking about them but I am also talking about white people and hispanics as well. Because this actually is NOT a black problem. It is a problem for all of America's poor. We have made it a problem by giving them handouts for sixty years. People have no incentive to work. Why fucking work when you can get things for free. As for solutions to this...well, I really don't know. I would like to sterilize welfare recipients and drug test them. That would be a start. Take a piss test and you can get your check. And If you do not hold down a job...then no money for you. You have to work to get a check...any kind of check. No more sitting around the house or walking around the neighborhood all day. Get to work you lazy fuck-tards!

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