Monday, October 18, 2010

Top 10 Most Disgusting Hollywooder's

3. Lady Gaga

First things first...Lady Gaga is a Transvestite. And for all you guys who secretly bone up on this fucking retard...your days are numbered. It is only a matter of time before it all comes out. And the sad thing is...if that is what you are can actually find much better looking trannies here in Little Rock. Oh, and...did I say retard? Yes, i did. We all know that one shouldn't make fun of the less fortunate...especially retarded and mentally challenged people. And that is not what I aim to do. But I truly think something is wrong with her. She's retarded. Plus...I seriously want to know....What freakin Donkey Show did they find this tramp? She was either plucked out of some dingy stank-ass backroom show in Tijuana or she/he literally fell out of the sky like those a-holes in the Terminator movies. Since I am not exactly sure what Gaga is...Gaga will be refered to as "SHE" until further notice. At first I really thought that she was a joke. I mean...this has all been done before? Right? I think David Bowie did this...and Madonna already did this whole re-invent yourself every few days kind of thing. Am I wrong? And that was like 25 years ago. I first saw her singing on TV one night...and all I could think of was..."Holy Shit! Is this a live-action band version of Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem"??? I really thought that she was supposed to be that chick guitarist that played with Dr. Teeth on the Muppets. But, unfortunately this was not the case. No Dr. Teeth and no Electric Mayhem....just a nasty ole tramp trying destroy the youth of our country. So...I guess that the only thing to do is boycott anything and everything Gaga. Otherwise, in 20 years our country will be gone...overwith...ka-put. it for all of mankind. You owe it, not only to this country, but the entire world.

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