Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Top 10 Most Disgusting Hollywooder's

2. Dave Matthews

What? Seriously? Dave Matthews? WTF? Why?????? I'll tell you why. Because it's my fucking list and I can put anyone I want on it that I want. And, to piss all of you off. You're all screaming as you read this. NOOOOOOOOO! Not Dave Matthews!!!! But, "I LOOOOVE HIM"!!!!!...you all say.... Well, Fuck you! I hate Dave Matthews. Why? Because he's a pussy. Where to begin??? Let's see. As I already said...he's a pussy. He is a typical far-left uneducated windbag. He's a draft dodger. A shitty actor. A mediocre musician. And he is an environmentalist hypocrite who shits on the environment more than all of us put together. And I'm not literally talking about the shit that he dumped in the Chicago River. I'm talking about the "save-the-trees" bullshit and the "get-rid-of-cows" bullshit because they fart too fucking much and their enormous carbon footprint trash. It's okay for him to travel 345 days per year by gas-guzzling tour buses and private jets while the rest of us morons pay him millions of dollars to walk and ride our fucking bikes. Yep! Have a nice flight Dave. No! Don't mind me...I'm fucking walking to work today. And, since I mentioned the Chicago thing, he did pay a mere 200 grand for dumping piss and turds all over a boat full of people and killing a few hundred fish. If his shit had landed in my grill...I would be in prison for murder...no doubt. Look...I'll be the first to admit. I once really liked this dickhead. I bought the albums...went to shows...etc. I used to engage in conversations with dumb bitches about things like "You know..Dave is really awesome...when I listen to him he makes me such a better person... I mean, he really speaks to me with his words...his songs are so sexy and full of life and intelligence". Okay! So I am exaggerating a bit...but, you see where this is going. ALL Dave Matthews conversations go this way. And this is just part of what drives me crazy about this fool. The rest is the fact that I know people who actually fucking cry when talking about his shows. They are all obviously mostly women...but really? Is that even fucking necessary? Travelling..and spending thousands of dollars per year...to go to concerts? And fucking cry about it? Well folks. The jury is IN. You're all fucking idiots. I don't know who is worse Dave? Or YOU fucking a-holes.


  1. You had me here until you said that there was a time that you actually liked this total douche bag at one time. I have always hated this jag and am very pleased to see him so high on your list
    Chris in Chicago

  2. Brad you need to get a grip. lighten up get som decaff...

  3. I know what's worse. Probably you for writing this. And you have no valid points lol you just sound dumb. "I hate Dave Matthews because his bus driver dumped poopie on a random boat of random civilians that I don't even know." The driver was actually Boyd Tinsley's driver, of the band. So hating HIM would make a little more sense than hating Dave. If that would even make any sense. LOL. And I suppose then you hate all other performers, actors, musicians, or anyone else that uses planes or "gas guzzling" aircraft. Or I guess any "gas guzzling" machine. You're too right! If you ever want to leave your continent you definitly show that you couldn't possibly love the Earth. No one should ever leave one's continent because you're destroying the world!
