Yes. Sean Penn is THE MOST DISGUSTING PERSON IN HOLLYWOOD. Hell, he may be the most disgusting person in the world in my opinion. A few people were actually put on this list just to piss YOU off. I selected a couple of these people strictly to make you laugh or maybe even just to make you think. But, Sean Penn is probably the biggest son-of-a-bitch on here. I really don't even feel like educating you on the reasons why he sucks so bad. So what was it that turned him into this foolish dick-monster? Perhaps it was his wealthy upbringing, his unequalled education from Santa Monica High School, or maybe he was raped by a fucking kangaroo. I don't really know or even give a shit. But, what I do know...is that he is the biggest fucking moron I've ever seen. He is the epitome of the Hollywood jackass. ***NOTE TO SEAN*** "you are an ACTOR...not a politician"! Sure, Ronald Reagan was an actor too. But, he went to college where he engaged in politics, played football, etc. Sean Penn has done nothing for this country. In previous posts on this subject, I at least gave credit where credit was due for certain celebrities who do charitable work. And I especially gave credit to those people have done so much for gay and lesbian rights. But I will not give Penn the same credit. And just because he played Harvey Milk in a movie does not mean shit. Saying shit doesn't mean shit if it is coming out of his big damn mouth. The main reason I cannot stand this guy is his penchant for totalitarianism and anti-semitism. His sucking up to Hugo Chavez whilst stomping on the core of his own country is despicable. His ignorant uneducated ass cozies up to murderous dictators and spits on the United States just to try to prove that his ideologies are the only correct ideologies to have. FOOL! His ability for critical thinking is like that of a retarded cow. Like I said...he's an actor. Guess what Sean? Nobody pays you to think or govern or spout public policy. They pay your sorry ass to act...that's it. Nothing else. So the bottom line is this...Sean Penn...You're an asshole. Either act and shut your ugly ass up or fucking kill yourself. You fucking loser!
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