Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Top 10 Most Disgusting Hollywooder's

8. Rosie O'Donnell

First of all, I will go ahead and get this out of the way. Ok. She does do a lot for charity. That being said...would she give two fucking shits if she was not worth millions of dollars? No. She would not. Because every cent she would make would go to jelly rolls and Doritos. Rosie O'Donuts would have made it much higher on this list if she still worked on The View and we had to see her fat ass on the tele everyday. But fortunately for us she has disappeared for a while. Rosie literally wrote the book on "I have money and fame and I'll use it to spread my fucked up ideologies like herpes in a whore house". Before all of her major wealth and fame came to be...I could actually watch her. She had a few funny roles in movies such as "A League of Their Own" and "Beautiful Girls". She even made me laugh when she started "The Rosie O'Donnell Show" as she and Elmo would sing show tunes and crack jokes. I mean....who the hell doesn't like Elmo. But then she changed. She made millions, became famous, and started to throw her fat-ass weight and opinions around. It all started with her interview of Tom Selleck and his membership with the NRA (National Rifle Association). Then she started her rag of a magazine which she eventually left because she did not have enough editorial control. Basically she wanted to push her insane ideologies and her people chose against it. They all ended up suing each other and the rag folded. Of note was a former magazine colleague and breast cancer survivor who testified that O'Donnell said to her on the phone that people who lie "get sick and they get cancer. If they keep lying, they get it again". The sad thing that her mother died of breast cancer when she was only 10 years old. Was she a liar? Not only is Rosie the one of the most insane people in the world...she is also one of the most ignorant. She then came "out of the closet". Like we had no idea you dumb bitch. And that was the last normal thing Rosie ever did. She became even more of a wacka-do in the following years. It all culminated when she joined that incredible "Think Tank" show...The View. As if they needed more intelligence in that brain-trust. First, she ran off co-host Star Jones (The only over educated host)because Star was too conservative. Her frequent attacking of co-host Elisabeth (far right host) and attacking former President Bush's domestic and foreign policy eventually led to her demise. The bottom line is that Rosie doesn't know shit about foreign or domestic policy of any kind...(not saying Bush knew much more). But it all proves one thing. Rosie is a discusting Hollywood bitch. Yeah, she's done a lot for kids and gay and lesbian issues...but, none of that outweighs her ignorance or her ass.

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