Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top 10 Most Disgusting Hollywooder's

6. Thomas Mapother IV

Very little will be written about this douche-bag. Ole Tom. Tom Cruise. The more movies he makes...the more I hate him. The more interviews I see of him...the more I want to vomit. But, at the same time, he amuses me like nobody else in the world. But, he amuses me in the same way that I become giddy with excitement every time I see two homeless bums beating the shit out of each other. I mean...his ranting, his jumping on couches, his paranoia in interviews. Well...I guess that the paranoia is perhaps the funniest. It is like he is constantly living like he is in "The Invasion of the Body snatchers." Like he is surrounded by fucking Pod-people. Have you ever seen an red-carpet interview with him? It is hysterical. He always "sizes" the interviewer up like the interviewer is really one of those lizard people from "V" underneath all of that humanoid skin and make-up. What a fucking freak! That Scientology shit really fucked that brother up. Not much else to say...well except that his movies are shit. I threw all of the one's I had away years ago.

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