Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top 10 Most Disgusting Hollywooder's

7. Oprah

Well, I guess that you all knew she would be on this list eventually. So let's get this one over with as soon as possible. Once again...she has done a tremendous amount of work for charity...but, my god! She is worth a fucking billion dollars. And every dollar she spends on charity she has to attach her name to it. (i.e. The Oprah Winfrey School for Girls in b.f.e Africa). In my opinion, she should probably do more. Look...I hate Ted Turner too...but at least he gave a billion dollars to the United Nations with no name on it and no strings attached. Oprah would have to have her name attached to the damn thing. I guess the reason that I despise her is that her name is on fucking everything. Everything from T.V. to books to magazines to radio. I can't get away from Oprah. Her fat-ass is EVERYWHERE! But the worst part of it is that her influence transcends everything in everyday life. People have called it the "Oprahfication" of America. The fact that she has as much influence as she does is really scary. See, the fact is, is that most Americans by nature are stupid. Not stupid by lack of intelligence, but stupid by laziness. Our laziness leads to our being influenced too much by other people. We are too lazy to read up on subjects and/or issues and allow other's to influence our lifestyles and opinions. The last straw was the amount of influence she had over the 2008 Presidential elections. An analysis by two economists at the University of Maryland, College Park estimated that Winfrey's endorsement was responsible for between 423,123 and 1,596,995 votes for Obama in the Democratic Primary alone. Nobody should have that much power over the public. Whatever Oprah reads...America reads. Whatever diet Oprah goes on...America tries it out. Whatever movies she likes...America likes. Whatever she tries and likes...well, it is a winner. If your company produces a widget...and Oprah don't like yo fuckin widget...BAMM! Bitch you outta business. At least some of it has come back to bite her on the ass. Most notably, in my opinion, was her Book Club's selection of "A Million Pieces of Shit"...by James Frey. He was a fraud. Another one was her proclaiming she would never eat beef again during the "mad cow" scare of 1996. She wound up costing beef producers 10's of millions of dollars. She was sued and the beef industry hammered her pretty hard. As I near the end of this entry I would just like to say one more thing. As much as you love Oprah...she doesn't give a shit about you. She wants your viewership. She wants your money. Nothing else. Now just think about that for a minute. Isn't that disgusting?

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